My Home in Black and White.
It's not much, but it's mine

Things My Heart Beats for...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Its that time of year, leave all our hopelessness' aside...

So I just found a bunch of drawings from my past and realized that I have yet to share any of my art work with you. I will try to dedicate part of tomorrow to showing you what I have been up to and where I have come from artistically.

Its not super impressive, but its a huge part of who I am. Until tomorrow.

Peace, Love and Secret Masterpieces my darlings!



Thursday, July 8, 2010

I can feel the pressure, its getting closer now...

Sorry I have been gone for so long, I feel like such a loser when I go eons without posting. So let's just get this started. For those of you who don't know (although I really don't understand how this isn't common knowledge already), I pretty much live a life of deficiency. I'm not one of those Debbie Downers who cries about life all the time, I am just aware of my... Situation. Well anyway, being the Queen of all that is deficient, birthdays for me are usually a nightmare. In fact for the past few years I've tried to make them as small of a deal as possible but this year is a new year, a better year.

This year I have plans. Not necessarily good ones, but ones which will hopefully improve my mental health. I'm saying goodbye to school for at least a year during which time I plan on working and saving and doing absolutely nothing else so that I will hopefully be able to celebrate my 22nd birthday in my very own apartment.

This year for the big 21, I am road tripping it to FL with a friend for a week of... Let's call it sinister behavior.

Wish me luck! I'm so looking forward to this trip. Next order of business, some bitchin road trip mixtapes.

Any suggestions loves? Think about it. Get back to me. Talk to you soon!!!!

Peace, love, and Stellar Mixtapes my darlings!



M.I.A, the very definition of crazysexycool
There is something almost magical about 
     walking around without shoes
             for no good reason...

Spending hot summer days at the beach

Christmas in the City
